πŸ“œHow to transfer FVM network FIL to FIL mainnet?

1.Open GLIF in the browser or MetaMask Wallet App (the wallet needs to be switched to FVM network)

β‘  Open GLIF website: https://www.glif.io/

β‘‘ Click "Connect Wallet" in the upper right corner and select "MetaMask".

2. Open the wallet and select "Forward FIL".

3.in the "Recipient" receiving address fill in your FIL mainnet wallet address (can be decentralized wallet address, can also be the centralized exchange FIL mainnet receiving address).

Fill in the "Amount" field with the amount you want to transfer.

Finally, click "Send" and you can check the status in a few minutes (if you send to the exchange, you may need to wait for half an hour or more)

Last updated